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The Cody Blog: Words Worth Reading (February 25, 2005)

Friday, February 25, 2005

Words Worth Reading (February 25, 2005)

Whether it receives attention elsewhere or not, this is news that matters (updated throughout the day):

Viacom cuts radio stations' value by $11B
(You mean the traditional radio model is dead? iPod and satellite radio are the future? Really? Fascinating!)

Russia not forsaking democracy, Putin says
(Putin can put on this bullshit facade about how "Russia has made its choice in favor of democracy." The facts speak for themselves -- see next headline below.)

Yukos Loses U.S. Bankruptcy Bid
(The cronies who claimed Yukos as the Soviet Union collapsed are horrible gangsters themselves. But property have to start somewhere. This final step of nationalization of a privatized asset is a blast to freedom and fundamental property rights in Russia.)

Five Internet danger signs to watch for in 2005

Whither The Wall Street Journal?


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