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The Cody Blog: You Cody News (March 17, 2005)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

You Cody News (March 17, 2005)

Oh, man, a virus has taken over my entire PC. As if it wasn't bad enough that these evil doers force their way into my life by sending me unsolicited graphic nastiness, now my entire desktop and Explorer are owned by them. The government has to do something about this viciously criminal behavior. I digress though.

On a related topic:
WebTV Hacker Sent To Prison
Burn, baby, burn.

Alaskans Wary of Vote on Oil Drilling
Tough topic.

How Toronto grabbed the Rings
Not my cup of tea, personally, but fascinating that they're plowing that kind of money into it.

Russian CEO Chubais Attacked; Manhunt Under Way
Russia -- communist or not?

Will Obesity Shorten Life Expectancy?
Surely not. Really.

Oil And Gas Prices Hit New Highs
I am so sick of oil. At least it's not freezing outside in NYC anymore, so I can't bitch about the weather anymore.

ISS gyroscope problems could delay shuttle launch
Per my notes yesterday on the topic -- please privatize space programs. They'll be so much more efficient, better -- and that way we're forcing the rest of us to pay for it either.

Frozen sea gives hope of finding life on Mars
You just know there was.

On a related note:
Photo in the News: Fairy Shrimp Species Discovered
They ate their relatives? Sounds like some families I know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your computer troubles. Checked back for today's entry.

3/17/2005 11:49:00 AM  

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