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The Cody Blog: You Cody News (March 3, 2005)

Thursday, March 03, 2005

You Cody News (March 3, 2005)

Minority Report: Jef Raskin and the Mac revolution
Speaking of P Diddy's lessons of knowing history...

AOL Escalates the IM Wars
Never in the history of business has a product reached so many users and such critical mass levering all the Metcalfe Network Effects possible -- and still been such a bust.

Denise Richards, Charlie Sheen to Divorce
I've been debating whether to continue with the "This ain't news" links in The Cody News....I mean, why am I helping fuel the flame of this non-news?

US spies 'cannot sue government'
Haven't finished forming my opinion on this puppy.


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