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The Cody Blog: You Cody News (March 8, 2005)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

You Cody News (March 8, 2005)

Kosovo PM Resigns Amid War Crimes Charges
Like I said the other day, for the probs we have to fix in the US political system, what a miracle that it's as clean as it is.

Brother of Jackson’s accuser describes seeing the pop star ...
I'm no fan of Bush and all that, but why don't the whiners about the US reputation abroad go off on this freak? Talk about damaging. Look at the location of that news outlet.

Chinese authorities set to introduce Taiwan anti-secession law
Chinese Soup Nazi -- "No Freedom for you!" Why is all the world abuzz with the supposed wonders of growth in China. It's still a frickin communist, fascist state?! That is decidedly not a foundation for long term economic health. Gimme a break already.

Mobile Virus Via MMS
Psychos. Damn psychos.

Aspirin: Women's Stroke-Preventer?
Maybe if we all take a bunch of aspirin, combine it with some Vioxx, followed with some Adderall -- who knows then we could finally all be healthy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm . . .you're kinda hot; do you have a girlfriend?

3/08/2005 11:42:00 AM  

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