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The Cody Blog: You Cody News (April 1, 2005)

Friday, April 01, 2005

You Cody News (April 1, 2005)

Zimbabwe Gov't Accused of Election Fraud
If you don't appreciate the incredible success and longevity of the US system -- may I suggest you get your head checked. That said, we gotta make it better.

Rainier in 'precarious' condition
I wonder if he hates the press as much as Prince Chuck does.

Google Gigs It Up
Never too much bit capacity -- storage, transmission, or otherwise.

Brad splashes out
I love my apartment in NYC and all -- but Brad's really got the right pad idea.

The premiums of Medicare to rise 14% next year
Ah, the wondrous miracles of socialized medicine. (Or not)

Pope has last rites after heart failure
Have to wonder how this will all play out given the Church's stance on the Schiavo ordeal.


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