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The Cody Blog: Striking Spyware and Adware Report

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Striking Spyware and Adware Report

We knew that readers of the Cody Blog weren't the only victims of these evil acts. Here's some data for you.

Spyware: The threat of unwanted software programs is changing the way people use the internet

7/6/2005 | MemoReport | Susannah Fox

Spyware and the threat of unwanted programs being secretly loaded onto computers are becoming serious threats online. Nine out of ten internet users say they have adjusted their online behavior out of fear of falling victim to software intrusions. Unfortunately, many internet users’ fears are grounded in experience - 43% of internet users, or about 59 million American adults, say they have had spyware or adware on their home computer. Although most do not know the source of their woes, 68% of home internet users, or about 93 million American adults, have experienced at least one computer problem in the past year that are consistent with problems caused by spyware or viruses.


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