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The Cody Blog: NMF: Two New Rockin' Jams

Friday, December 09, 2005

NMF: Two New Rockin' Jams

Today's NMF features two relatively newer songs, though I really don't think they would be considered 'undiscovered". Each of these two have been the most popular songs in my rotation in the last couple weeks or so.

The first is "Bom Bom Bom" by Living Things. I bought the whole album off iTunes, but I haven't jammed to it yet. Let you know if it's any good later.

The second is "King Without a Crown" by Matisyahu (see his website here at Matismusic.com). I also haven't rocked out to the whole album yet, but I can vouch that this single rocks, man.

PS. Don't bother with Neil Diamond's latest. This over hyped, stripped down collaboration with Rick Rubin has to be most soul-less album of Diamond's amazing career. He's without a doubt one of my top 10 favorite artists and song writers of all time. But there's not even a decent track on this album.

PPS. Neil Young's latest is another great one. Talk about consistent.

PPPS. My friend Matt Mastrangelo from Rolling Stone just hooked me up with some DMB tickets for Saturday night. I loved DMB from the first time I heard him back in like 1993 or so, but have never seen him live. Very excited.

Rock on, good people of planet Earth.


Blogger Melissa said...

Awww, don't say that about Neil. That's just heartbreaking.

12/11/2005 10:45:00 AM  

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