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The Cody Blog: NMF: Cover Day!

Friday, January 06, 2006

NMF: Cover Day!

For today's New Music Friday, it's "Cover Day" (not to be confused with the former cheeseball lead singer from Whitesnake and Coverdale Page -- was there any doubt that Jimmy was done as an artist the day they put out their first video together? But I digress again....)

I'm going to highlight a few of my favorite song covers today -- and one from that ubiquitous band, "The Cody Show".

Sweet Emotion -- Leo Kottke & Mike Gordon

Baba O'Riley -- Pearl Jam (I've listened to 20 different versions of it off iTunes -- most any of 'em are amazing)

Batman -- The Who (sorta' deep that I follow a cover of a Who song with a cover by the Who, huh?)

Beautiful -- Clem Snide

And here's a horrible cover just for the hell of it: Bringin' on the Heartbreak -- Mariah Carey (oooh, just found the LIVE version of it. I bet that one's particularly horrible! I'll have to download to find out...)

Here's a much better cover of a Def Lep (just now noticed how close that is to Led Zep...smart Brits!): Love Bites -- QED

And finally: After the Gold Rush -- The Cody Show (this one's free, just click on the link and it'll download to your computer automatically)


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