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The Cody Blog: Pat Robertson is Evil

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Pat Robertson is Evil

Pat Robertson says Sharon's stroke may be God's punishment WHO-TV, IA - 8 minutes ago VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. The Reverend Pat Robertson says Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's massive stroke could be God's punishment for giving up Israeli territory. ...

I can't believe I'm giving this unbelievably stupid, horrible man, Robertson any press at all. But I will do so, simply to flip it:

If Pat Robertson died of a stroke, I might actually believe that it was "God" punishing him for all his evils.

Pat's no Castro, Putin or Che Guevara, but he is certainly a very evil person.


Blogger Christian Prophet said...

I don't know about "evil." But the Holy Spirit's message on the Christian Prophecy blog calls Pat Robertson "insane." A more true view of Christianity might be found on The Holy Inheritance blog.

1/05/2006 05:22:00 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Pat is a little too smite happy, I think he's been hitting the sacramental wine.

However, I will say that I'm no fan of Sharon. You don't earn the nickname "The Butcher" for helping little old ladies cross the street. The slaughter at the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps in September of '82 show a side that's far more evil than Pat Robertson could ever dream of being.

1/06/2006 12:01:00 AM  

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