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The Cody Blog: Talking Stock on the Radio

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Talking Stock on the Radio

Had a lot of fun with Aaron Task on the radio today. Talked about that tiny little company you might have heard of...Google. Also, took listener calls on all kinds of stocks.

You can listen to the radio segment here.

Rock the house.

Update: My appearance starts at about the 10 minute mark on that clip. And you can read a summary by clicking here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough about GOOG already! With everyone going goo-goo over the go-go GOOG and all the hype/ frenzy one would think that the planet Earth is wobbling off its axis and being sucked in GOOG hole! I hope those Goog- ly eyed drones at S&P are watching carefully and will hopefully come to the rescue of planet Earth, oops sorry Googleville (too late, Earth got sucked in GOOG cyberspace), and add the frickin’ stock to it’s oh so crucial index, propelling it once again to ionosphere and restore balance and happiness back among Googlians and fill Googleville once again with the sweet sound of ringing cash registers, with Pink Floyd’s “Money”, now the new national anthem of Googleville, playing loudly in the background!

- “I cannot call to mind a single instance where I have ever been irreverent, except towards the things which were sacred to other people” Mark Twain.

2/02/2006 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S: Where the heck is the Sundance review; I would rather hear about that with clarification of "great concerts, .....what the hell is wrong with people?"

2/02/2006 06:51:00 AM  

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