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The Cody Blog: K&C Surf's Up!

Friday, March 24, 2006

K&C Surf's Up!

What a blast hitting the waves on Larry Kudlow's show with John Rutledge, Barry Ritholtz, and Herb Greenberg. I have to say I had to pinch myself as the credentials of those guys dawned on me as the camera came on and I realized that I know them all outside of the show even. Pretty darn exciting, really.

Anyway, the surf is up, indeed, so get those VOD surfboards ready, and click here.


Blogger BJ said...

Great stuff Cody and I get the revolution concept and agree. However, Windows Media SUCKS. I get no video - just changing stills, and it locks up my computer when starting or ending the program (I have a dual Xeon 3.2Ghz/2GB RAM, so its not the PC). Quicktime videos play great. Tell Larry to get with the Apple program!

3/24/2006 05:37:00 PM  
Blogger Bizonomics said...

Hey Cody - nice mention in the Heard on the Street column in today's WSJ.

3/24/2006 05:39:00 PM  
Blogger Trading Alamanac said...

Cody, that was indeed a stellar group to be a part of. I was watching and thought the same thing at the time. All of us in the office turned up the volume and watched what turned out to be a classic Kudlow episode. Congrats!

3/28/2006 12:12:00 PM  

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