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The Cody Blog: The Cody News Special Edition: The Death of the <br/>Two Party Political System is Nigh!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Cody News Special Edition: The Death of the
Two Party Political System is Nigh!

Timber Becomes Tool in Effort to Cut Estate Tax

Published June 21, 2006

WASHINGTON, June 20 — In a new attempt to permanently reduce the estate tax on inherited wealth, House Republican leaders moved on Tuesday to win over crucial Democrats with a tax sweetener for timber companies.

Let me try count the ways that this upsets me:

1. Why are we subsidizing timber companies at all?

2. And are they serious about paying each other off like this in public -- vote for this bill, and we'll hook you up with a bunch of money for your croni, er biggest donors?

2. Why is the Democratic party, which pretends that they aren't as sold out to corporate America every bit as badly as the Republican party is, willing to be so upfront about this crony-ized horror?

3. Shouldn't the folks like, uh, Democrat big head, John Kerry who try to create alarms about things 40 years in the future to redistribute our wealth to their corporate cronies who benefit from that alarm be all over the timber companies for supposedly screwing up our environment instead of throwing nearly a billion frickin' dollars at them?

4. Why do I feel like I'm the only person who freaks out about how utterly criminalized the Dems and the Repubs -- each and every one who's willing to run under one of those parties -- appear when I read this stuff? Self-introspectively-speaking here for a moment, I always feel so isolated and confused around election time. Why do you vote for Republicans if you hate this type of stuff too? Why do you vote for Democrats if you hate this type of stuff too?

I know what you're going to say. Something about how it's always been this way and that you're voting for the lesser of two evils. But doesn't that mean that you're voting for evil? I don't want to vote for evil. I want to fight evil, don't you? So shouldn't we be fighting these evil-doing politicians in the Republican and Democratic parties instead of embracing them in any way shape or form?

Isn't the best way to do that to stop voting for them, and if you're an honest politician (naively or not, I do believe they exist, at least until they sell out to one of these parties) shouldn't you get out of these parties?

Does the Internet and the fact that I can write this and you can read this and then we can discuss this freely and, most importantly in regards to the change, EASILY in the comments change everything? I do believe it does! The death of the two-party political system is nigh!

Ah, long live democracy. Finally.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, that'd be so awesome if that came true.

How in the world are we suppose to get anything done as a country when every member of the gov't is out for their own political gain?

Sickening.... so I hope you're right someday.

6/21/2006 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cody,
I don't necessarily vote along party lines - and I realize that cronyism, corporate pandering, lobbying, etc. continue to thrive.

My focus is on a candidate's stand on what I consider a truly dire issue of our time: abortion.

People look back on the holocaust and wonder why "someone" didn't do something to stop the slaughter.

Today people look at places like Darfur and wonder why it is allowed to continue.

Anyone who has watched on an ultrasound a fetus at only four weeks, realizes that it is a perfectly formed and complete human being.

I love free enterprise and democracy. I'm like you Cody, I've never taken a dime from the system and never intend to. I will always do my part to make this country great.

But until the slaughter of innocent human babies in America is stopped - my vote will remain for politicians who are Pro Life.

Keep up your good work!

6/22/2006 11:02:00 AM  
Blogger Cody Willard said...

Wow, great discussion, thanks. Wes, isnt' it amazing how much wealth, value, innovation and assets we in the private sector can create despite these parties and their cronies siphoning off of us every step of the way?

Stephen -- The times, they are a changin' indeed, and that change is accelerating, as some of your examples underscore. Love it.

RDS -- I completely disagree that things are getting worse.

By item: the debt? I'd rather they stop spending, but not because I have any problems with debt itself. Debt cuts both ways and when the eocnomy booms as it has been for decades, the debt helps propel is further and longer.

Corruption -- yes fully agree, that's the one I think we can fix.

Diseases because of lack of border control? I thought this was supposed to be a free country. Why do we want to keep anyone who wants to come here out? The more the merrier, it's not a zero sum game. The more people in our system, the better the system gets. And besides, the government hasa no constitutional right to keep tabs on us anyway.

WoosterOhio -- I fully embrace your approach of voting based on a principle that is important to you. But there are non-mainstream politicians who agree with you. Don't sell out to these Democrat and Republican evil-doers and cronies by voting for them!

6/22/2006 11:12:00 AM  
Blogger Cody Willard said...

Make sure of what? This immigrant disease nonsense is just another justification of, well, bigots who are scared of a free market. Open up the borders! This is supposed to be a free country.

6/22/2006 01:08:00 PM  

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