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The Cody Blog: Launching Cody's Digital Revolution Newsletter

Friday, September 15, 2006

Launching Cody's Digital Revolution Newsletter

I'm pretty excited to launch my tech newsletter today, appropriately called Cody's Digital Revolution Newsletter.

The first issue, published today, is titled: Five Stocks That Will Win Big in The Digital Revolution.

You can click here to read a sample of it.

Or click here to sign up for the newsletter -- we're kicking it off at a special offering of a one year subscription for $129 at 35% off the list price.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cody
Best wishes on your new venture. I know you have what it takes to get the job done. I am very excited for you. The glass is still half full working hard to get it to tip over. My attitude remains positive for the future and I hope to be a part of your new group in the future. "Good luck and go get'em" as my other favorite would say.

9/21/2006 03:32:00 PM  

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