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The Cody Blog: Squawking Manana

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Squawking Manana

I'll be on CNBC's SquawkBox tomorrow morning at 7:40am EST. Now you might think I'd be going on there to talk stocks, tech strategies and network effects. But you'd be wro-ong.

I'm going on there to talk college hoops, baby! Bring it! Who wants a piece of me?

Here's hoping I get to talk about more than just trying to handicap this year's tourney.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don't know that I am emotionally stable enough to watch a Dook/UNC game in the Final Four.

During the last one, my wife and I were cheering like 12 year old girls at a Britney concert.

3/18/2005 07:59:00 AM  

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